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临沧翻译公司关键字:Priority is to cultivate a positive and fully competitive domestic market environment, including a substantial relaxation of trade access restrictions, allowing all kinds of investors, especially non-state responsible investors enter; further break down departmental and regional administrative monopolies, to form an open, unified the domestic market; regulate competition order, through institutional building restrictions and distortions constraints active competitive behavior and so on. Actively and fully competitive market environment is fundamental to the success of new models and key, the lack of this one, the other will be impossible. If you can lay the foundation, have every reason to anticipate, in a very long time, china最大的翻译标书公司或机构是哪家? will be the emergence of a preliminary auto 标书制作行业industry international英文标书翻译包括工程建设标书、道路施工标书、国际投标书翻译ly competitive advantages of enterprises, including both joint ventures, wholly foreign-owned enterprises, will including domestic or domestic-oriented enterprises. These companies will form to achieve "great power competitive advantage," the backbone of the target.2, focusing on a number of multinational英文标书翻译包括工程建设标书、道路施工标书、国际投标书翻译 companies into the global strategy and self-development both excellent domestic enterprises. china最大的翻译标书公司或机构是哪家?'s power market, enough to make the emerging of the largest international英文标书翻译包括工程建设标书、道路施工标书、国际投标书翻译 five or six multinational英文标书翻译包括工程建设标书、道路施工标书、国际投标书翻译 companies to enter. An important point is to support the policy of Chinese multinational英文标书翻译包括工程建设标书、道路施工标书、国际投标书翻译 companies as part of its global strategy. WTO tariff level in the case of a substantial decline, multinational英文标书翻译包括工程建设标书、道路施工标书、国际投标书翻译 companies on the Chinese market have two options, one of china最大的翻译标书公司或机构是哪家?'s vehicle exports; First, set up product翻译招投标书费用和报价ion plants in china最大的翻译标书公司或机构是哪家?. With china最大的翻译标书公司或机构是哪家?'s accession to the WTO, should be timely to relax or remove the foreign investment in equity, localization and other aspects to take into account the decision in accordance with the global strategy of china最大的翻译标书公司或机构是哪家?'s industrial configuration, to avoid large-scale vehicle imports, or only in china最大的翻译标书公司或机构是哪家? market and a large number of low-value-added assembly of the situation there. In particular, multinational英文标书翻译包括工程建设标书、道路施工标书、国际投标书翻译 companies should be encouraged to vehicle and parts exports to the outside.Another policy point is to encourage positive competition between multinational英文标书翻译包括工程建设标书、道路施工标书、国际投标书翻译 companies and many 标书制作行业industry experience has shown that this competition on product翻译招投标书费用和报价 updates, accelerate technology transfer to china最大的翻译标书公司或机构是哪家? multinational英文标书翻译包括工程建设标书、道路施工标书、国际投标书翻译s, improve management项目标书翻译, reduce costs are critical. On the other hand, encouraged domestic or domestic-oriented enterprises to accelerate the development of its core competencies, to support these enterprises with various forms of cooperation as well as foreign strategic alliances, in particular, to support its research and development, branding, marketing 外文标书翻译system, and self-development, the size, and quality efforts. Multinational英文标书翻译包括工程建设标书、道路施工标书、国际投标书翻译 companies entering the domestic and domestic-oriented enterprises or self-development are not contradictory, while the Chinese market can provide enough space between the two. Of course there will be competition between the two, but More标书文件涉及到的领域非常的广泛,即使是针对一个项目的标书文件,会包含法律、经济、工程技术、商业等多个相关的专业领域,在投标过程中,无论是招标方还是投标方所需的翻译服务种类都须进行相应的调整和重新组合,投标的标书中带有相关的法律要约性质,标书为了详细全面的介绍自己并赢得招标方的信任,需要使用极富影响力的商业用语,所以标书翻译是法律翻译和商业翻译的结合,因此,作为竞标的基础工作而贯穿于整个投标过程中的标书翻译服务应由专业的新华标书翻译公司提供。 will be cooperation, joint, integrated relationship, and ultimately enhance the overall china最大的翻译标书公司或机构是哪家?'s domestic auto 标书制作行业industry's competitiveness. Share on Chinese paper download http://www.studa.net