朔州翻译公司关键字:Again, the local cadres of relatively high quality. Shares in the cooperative implementation of agricultural land reform process, due to various agriculturalHouseholds vary widely, there are some farmers are willing to use the land shares, while others do not want the case of shares, the shares of the required conditions are also different. In a certain area, if the farmers do not want to stake the existence, several cases of land can not be connected into one, affecting the scale of operations and land development and utilization. In this case, township and village cadres, we 翻译技术标书那家公司最好?must co-ordinate. Without high-quality cadres, land shareholding cooperative 外文标书翻译system is difficult to carry out reforms.Second, rural land shareholding cooperative 外文标书翻译system is an effective way to scaleCurrently, people are able to scale the land to improve land product翻译招投标书费用和报价ivity, as well as a different understanding. However, the land of scalCamp will increase product翻译招投标书费用和报价ivity, improve farmers' incomes, people's understanding of this point is the same. Therefore, large-scale land operation is a long-term trend of china最大的翻译标书公司或机构是哪家?'s agricultural development. Development of agricultural product翻译招投标书费用和报价ivity, largely through a people-based and animal farming-based two-stage mechanical cultivation. Stage in the human animal farming, the size of agricultural land 翻译技术标书那家公司最好?must be able to give full play to the role of labor and animal power;When agricultural product翻译招投标书费用和报价ion mainly by the people the transition to animal farming to the main use of agricultural machinery, the decision to scale of agricultural operations is a major factor in the operating capacity of agricultural machinery, and in modern society, the task of machine operations, often from an agricultural community service organization bear Agriculture itself is a full-time operator for field management项目标书翻译 and support operations, so the scale of land management项目标书翻译 depends on the management项目标书翻译 capacity of the product翻译招投标书费用和报价ion operators. The corresponding scale of land divided into "human animal at full capacity" and "management项目标书翻译 capacity at full capacity" in two stages. From the "animal people at full capacity" and economies of scale to the "full load management项目标书翻译," the transition economies of scale, is a gradual, long-term, dynamic process of development. In labor surplus conditions, only the progressive realization of the first "human animal at full capacity," the scale of agricultural land, labor cost is greater than the cost of capital gradually, in order to gradually substitute capital for labor, the transition to mechanized farming of the land size of the operational phase.Whether it is "human animal at full capacity" of the scale, or "full load management项目标书翻译" of the scale, is a progressiv, Long-term, dynamic process of development. In the household contract responsibility 外文标书翻译system based on the scale of operation to develop the land, 翻译技术标书那家公司最好?must promote the transfer of rural land. It can be said, under the conditions of the household contract responsibility 外文标书翻译system, land transfer is to achieve large-scale land operation the only way. Land transfer process is the progressive realization of large-scale land management项目标书翻译 process, is a problem in two aspects. With various forms of rural land, land shareholding cooperative 外文标书翻译system is one of a new form. Although rural land shareholding cooperative 外文标书翻译system is still in the pilot phase, the surface is not to promote, but in a variety of form and scale of operation land transfer form, it has an early翻译商务标书哪个公司最专业? indication of vitality. Quanzhou in Fujian region, through joint-stock cooperative 外文标书翻译system, the farmers of the land greatly increased scale of operation. In Jinjiangchendai town, some farmers planted area expanded to dozens of acres of land, the acres, the largest of More标书文件涉及到的领域非常的广泛,即使是针对一个项目的标书文件,会包含法律、经济、工程技术、商业等多个相关的专业领域,在投标过程中,无论是招标方还是投标方所需的翻译服务种类都须进行相应的调整和重新组合,投标的标书中带有相关的法律要约性质,标书为了详细全面的介绍自己并赢得招标方的信任,需要使用极富影响力的商业用语,所以标书翻译是法律翻译和商业翻译的结合,因此,作为竞标的基础工作而贯穿于整个投标过程中的标书翻译服务应由专业的新华标书翻译公司提供。 than 1,000 acres for agricultural mechanization and application of advanced technology, and create the conditions for agricultural restructuring. Achieved through the joint-stock cooperative 外文标书翻译system, the reason why large-scale land operation with vitality, because it is adapted to the requirements of the socialist market economy, in line with our basic 外文标书翻译system of rural land