铁岭翻译公司关键字:Outlook 2020, fossil fuels may still account for 90%, increase plant-based renewable resources is not optional, it is very urgent to meet future needs. Of course, the need for effective processing and use of these plant-derived raw materials. The new route will begin from the current study, for economic development have sufficient time to ensure that solutions to environmental and good cooperation.To achieve effective progress, should determine the direction of the following objectives:1,2020-year chemical-based product翻译招投标书费用和报价s from the plant at least 10% renewable raw material resources, in 2050 to 50%.2, the establishment of plant-based (crops, forestry, processing 标书制作行业industry) 外文标书翻译systems, the conversion processing with effective product翻译招投标书费用和报价ion of renewable raw materials, product翻译招投标书费用和报价s selected for the year 2020 to provide economical, environmentally sensitive manufacturing platform melon. Use this to demonstrate an integrated product翻译招投标书费用和报价ion chain of plant / crop-based materials 外文标书翻译system and the potential benefits of economic rationality, show new areas of opportunity for industrial applications, as after工程标书翻译 项目建议书翻译 设备标书翻译 政府采购标书翻译 轨道工程标书翻译 铁路建设标书翻译 公路建设标书翻译 桥梁隧道标书翻译 装饰工程标书翻译 房屋建筑标书翻译 石油标书翻译 天然气工程标书翻译 化工工业标书翻译 机电工程标书翻译 建筑标书翻译 2020 the demand for domestic and export contribution.3, in the industrial investors, plant operators, producers, academia and all levels of partnership between government, range from small to large-scale development of industrial applications, reactivate the rural economy, improve value-added processing and manufacturing chain integration, elimination of food, feed and fiber-based materials processing 标书制作行业industry and the difference between the manufacturing sector."Imagine" in the proposed research and development purposes and to develop detailed requirements of the corresponding program in support of the directional goals, so I can get the advantages of investment.Plant / crop-based status and prospects of the use of resourcesFirst, the status quoHydrocarbons to provide energy and human dress. Plastic, oil, paints, dyes, medicines and other basic raw materials, has become mainly depend on modern life. Petroleum-based plastic between 1970 to 1990 increased by 4 times, has been gradually replaced by glass, metal or paper. Plant / crop-based resources has yet to effectively use, mainly because of the availability of poor quality, unstable supply or high price招投标书翻译价格s. To promote and improve the plants / crops, interest in the application of renewable resources, the following aspects need to be analyzed.1, practicalAlthough consumption is not high, but plant-based materials currently in the application of chemicals was very broad, such as for paints, adhesives and lubricants. Soy is the traditional raw materials of plant sleeve, with the progress of genetic engineering, can be produced to meet the special needs of special lubricants lubricants market