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嘉兴翻译公司关键字:pesticides killed natural enemies of pests, pesticide residues pose a threat to human health, extensive use of fertilizers cause eutrophication of surface water and groundwater nitrate such as excessive levels. Potter & Goodwin studies suggest that agricultural subsidies in developed countries generally, artificially driving up the prices of some agricultural products, subsidies induce farmers planted a large number of these "program product" to encourage the water, fertilizers and heavy use of agricultural chemicals, resulting in a more negative aspects of the "externalities." This series of questions to facilitate the trade of agricultural production to reflect this, the development of sustainable agriculture will help to solve the above problems. The concept of sustainable agriculture in California was first in the United States, "Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Act" initiative. In July 1987, the World Commission on Environment and Development and other international organizations gathered in Oslo, Norway proposed "Food 2000: global transition to sustainable agriculture policy." In the United States in 1988 established the "International Association for Sustainable Agriculture." 1989 United Nations Organization (FAO) through sustainable agricultural development activities on the first 3 / 39 resolution. Held in the Netherlands in 1991, FAO International Conference on Agriculture and the environment, the formation of sustainable agriculture and rural development (SARD) of "Deng Bosi Declaration." In which the proposed "sustainable agriculture" concept, namely: "the management and protection of the natural resource base, technology and mechanisms to adjust the direction of change, in order to ensure and continue to meet current and future generations of people's needs, so it is a way to protect land, water and animal and plant resources, will not cause environmental degradation; while technically feasible, economically viable, socially acceptable to a wide range of agriculture. " Since sustainable agriculture worldwide trend shape.countries and regions at different times of the strategic focus of sustainable agricultural development may vary, but the sustainability of agricultural development has ecological