湖州翻译公司关键字:Breakthrough in the concept of agricultural multifunctionality of agriculture, the limitations of traditional knowledge, promote awareness of agriculture to re-examine, given the new status and role of agriculture. Articles in agriculture on the basis of multi-functional theory, put forward the new century, we should develop the agricultural development strategy to ensure sustainable development of agriculture.
[Keywords] multifunctional agriculture and sustainable agricultural developmentFirst, put forward the concept of multifunctionality of agriculture and its significance
Agricultural multifunctionality (multi-functionality of agriculture) is the concept of Japan to protect their论文摘要翻译英文 "rice culture", issued in 1999, "Food ? Agriculture ? Rural Basic Law" formally established. Japanese government believes that emphasizes the multifunctionality of agriculture, can encourage people to re-examine the status of agriculture, helped to raise the enthusiasm of people for their论文摘要翻译英文 own agriculture. For Japan, if only to consider the issue from the perspective of economic efficiency, it may abandon agriculture in exchange for economic growth in the total. But if from the versatility of the point of view, it should strengthen the foundation of agriculture. Because agriculture not only to ensure a steady supply of food, but also bring about social, ecological, cultural and other aspects of a variety of effectsSince then, Japan has been similar to the conditions of agricultural production and trade position of South Korea to respond to, and actively support the promotion of agriculture versatility. Some EU countries, Japan and South Korea have also joined this group. After the concept of agricultural multifunctionality literature have appeared in United Nations resolutions. Such as the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development adopted "Agenda 21", the World Food Summit adopted the "Rome Declaration and Plan of Action."
Europe, Japan, Korea and other countries noted that agriculture on the protection of heritage, to ensure food security, to maintain the balanced development of space, landscape and