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大理翻译公司关键字:defense industry's development has spanned several stages of development, with the Western countries have gone through two hundred years time the beaten path. Defense industry in the country's industrial system is an emerging industrial sector as well as cutting-edge technology, not only promoted the rapid development of its weapons production level, but also led to metallurgy, machinery, chemicals, materials, a large number of industrial sectors such as progress and development.The 1960s and 1970s, China's industrialization is taking the same independence and self-development. Since quite a long time by the "Left" thinking disturbance, especially the "Cultural Revolution" decade of civil strife, China's national economy has been severely damaged. However, in the defense industry, "be prepared to fight" the battle thought, some cutting-edge field of military production is still a major breakthrough, with "bombs and one satellite" as the representative of advanced military technology and product development and production in this period have been to be successful. During this period the development of defense industry and its achievements, is in extremely poor to obtain international and domestic environment, not only led to a higher level ofindustrialization in China at that time, but also for the reform and opening up the rapid development of industrialization has created certain conditions . After the reforms, at the conclusion based on the experience at home and abroad, China's development of weapons and equipment to establish a "more generation, development of generation, generation of pre-research" approach. Facing the new revolution in military affairs, the party's National Congress further established the "efforts to complete mechanization and informationization the dual historical tasks, our military modernization by leaps and bounds" of strategic policy. To better accomplish the national defense and army modernization by leaps and bounds strategic tasks, the defense industry sector more emphasis on production technology and equipment renewal and transformation, more attention to the development and application of advanced technologies, thus promoting the development of China's industrialization entered a new the stage. If we say that the defense industry by leaps and bounds as the rapid development of industrialization in China has provided