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内江翻译公司关键字:2005, China real estate market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 full of "financing", "listed", "M" following several high-frequency keywords, all between the lines reveals developers increasingly tight liquidity and financing difficulties. Widely believed, from the difficulties to solve the current real estate finance industry and to achieve real stability and long-term and healthy development both in terms of monetary policy, regulatory authorities in 2006 is likely to relax the financial constraints of the real estate industry, policy, and will reconstruct real industry financing system.What it means to market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 signalsCareful attention to the trend of real estate industry, people will have noticed, since the beginning of the second half of 2005, the central bank, the CBRC, CSRC and the many financial officials have expressed on various occasions to actively expand financing channels of real estate industry, the financing to build a reasonable safety system, the development of real estate finance securities, which are conducive to the development of real estate finance advice; real estate industry associations and companies are sparing no effort to create a real financial market毕业论文翻译成英语文章, made calls, and some real estate speculators may even build their论文摘要翻译英文 own class real estate fund management Company翻译论文公司最专业 to a more proactive attitude in the era of real estate finance; and include insurance, trust, security and other large financial companies, including research and development headquarters are actively carry out an unprecedented real estate market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 research and real estate financial products design and development work翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威. These have significant market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 signals indicate that: the coming era of China's real estate finance.Real estate finance backgroundReal estate finance is truly valued by everyone in the current round of macro control, the land and financial tightening so that developers learn from their论文摘要翻译英文 mistakes and start thinking of a rational real estate finance. Strictly speaking, real estate finance business is basically the previous purely commercial bank lending, loan terms, there are many loose oversight and management. Especially in the land transfer agreement of gold development stage, developers can operate at low or even zero-cost real estate projects. In this case, as a Real Estate client's financial, high-tech did not display their论文摘要翻译英文 own utility and charm of the stage.