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吕梁翻译公司关键字:stage is more difficult, even for the most competitive in China's textile garment industry from the third stage there is a long distance. Some industries, especially in long-term monopoly despite the rapid development of industry, in fact, still in the first stage. For example, the automobile industry despite significant development, production and sales have reached a large scale, but still in the first stage of late, its performance is significant: the joint venture as a means of imitation of competition, a huge market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 space and trade protection, resulting in a high return and caused a huge investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱, production capacity continues to grow substantially. Therefore, car manufacturers must be prepared to enter the second stage of the preparation: meet to relax protection, market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 saturation, cost-price competition, profits and other industries mature diluted inevitable phenomenon challenges.Therefore, we can see that China undertake the transfer of manufacturing to be the world experienced three main stages: First, the transfer of production capacity, and second, technology transfer, third, the reputation of the transfer. In the industrial transfer of the whole process, the reputation of the "name" of the formation and metastasis is the most difficult, it involves market毕业论文翻译成英语文章ing, communication, branding and other "post manufacturing" industry segment, and is strongly influenced by the public mental, because the brand has a reputation "objective found in the subjective" in nature. "Name" of the formation, not only the result of the efforts of enterprises, but also areas (cluster area) economy, the whole industry and the country's economic development results. Therefore, "name" of the competition than the "real" competition, the "reputation" competitive ratio "price competition", "quality competition" is more difficult. Reputation of competition is truly "comprehensive strength" (including the strength of reality, history, heritage and popular support) competition is not only more competitive, but also "public recognition of the brand competitiveness," the comparison; not only the strength of the war, but also psychological war. Textile and garment industry, for example, the world's textile and garment industry is the path of the transfer to China: the first transfer "big" (production capacity), then transfer "excellent" (technology), and finally "name." Now, despite China's textile and garment industry is the first producing country, has the world's largest production capacity, also has a considerable