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晋城翻译公司关键字:[Abstract] China as a developing country, in a certain period of economic development, the industrialization process of the developed industrialized countries must show the transfer of industries. Therefore, most Chinese industry will go through three stages: immature, mature and strong period. In order to develop the third stage of industrial development, corporate strategy can be broadly there are three options: the brand-oriented strategy, production-oriented strategy and take this chance because of potential strategies. The key strategic choice of what kind of strategy may not be more correct and more desirable, but rather who is motivated to implement a strategy. Strategic choice not only to corporate interests and concerns of the transfer, but also by the purely rational factors and the more rational elements of the common decision. In a certain sense can be said that pure reason is no difference between secular reason and rationality, the more rational reason and faith are different reason. Therefore, enterprises must not only purely rational strategic choice of logical deduction, but the result based on the values ??of a certain "ideal" and the pursuit of "mission" drive. National industrial development strategy options also have some similarities, always based on some rational basis, and this reason is not only a purely rational judgments as the criterion, and the more strongly bound contains a rational factors, including national, ethical humanistic values ??and a variety of criteria. Therefore, a viable industrial development strategy must be based on the scientific development concept, based on its value reflects not only conform to objective laws, but also to meet on achieving certain socially desirable goals.[Keywords] industry; corporate strategy; national strategy; competitivenessIn the 21st century, China's economic development performance of a series of very significant changes, especially the development of the industry seems increasingly clear trend showing a trajectory, from the volume of output, China has become an industrial producer. If purchasing power parity rather