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    新华翻译社运用独创的翻译过程控制质量保证体系(Quality Assurance System of Translation Process Control)在翻译过程中实时监控翻译质量,随时掌握稿件的进度。每个翻译项目组成员除了语言和翻译的功底深厚以外,都具备相应的专业背景知识,不同专业领域的资料均由具备相应专业背景的译员翻译,并由资深语言专家和技术专家双重审校把关,从而保证译文的准确、规范和术语统一。我们相信,在广大新老客户的支持和关怀下,通过本公司全体员工和所有专兼职翻译的共同努力,在经济全球化不断加深、改革开放不断扩大的新形势下,本公司将不断发展壮大,为客户提供满意的翻译服务,与客户一起创造辉煌的未来。。
烟台翻译公司关键字: 1 is not synchronized in all aspects of system transition will lead to "failure of competition", can not produce survival of the fittest, and this is the "excessive competition" root causes of problems, solve this problem rely on in-depth, comprehensive institutional reformsCotton textile industry, the case shows that the factor market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 is not open to different kinds of businesses can get the price factor, low long-term business benefits of the subsidies, loss of business can not be eliminated, the role of product market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 competition will be weakened, distorted even reverse play. This is including some of the cotton textile industry, including manufacturing industry, there is "excessive competition" issues important institutional reasons. Can be expected to continue to push forward with reform, the formation of a normal competitive environment, accompanied by the necessary assistance to exit policy, an industry will not be long in the "excessive competition" among the state. In summary, these industries have to overcome adversity, the first condition is it in competition can play a role in normal market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 environment. 2 was determined by the industrial structure of the market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 conditions, Company翻译论文公司最专业 size and choice of technology must take into account the level of applicabilityIndustry structure is determined by the prevailing market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 environment. China has long-standing help new small and medium enterprise development, market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 environment, the production of so-called dispersion, diseconomies of scale and so is the business-to-market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 environment, a reasonable response (Jiang Xiaojuan Liu Shijin 1996). Often criticized for "advanced technology, product quality, high-end large enterprise losses, obsolete equipment, product quality and profitability of SMEs in middle and low" phenomenon, but also need to use market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 economic point of view and interpretation. In China, a multi-level income countries, product technology and quality of cotton demand is also multi-level. Consumer choice is the applicability, rather than a single level of technology or quality standards. If the enterprises to adopt new technology to produce new products, popular with consumers, technical experts and