滨州翻译公司关键字:After nearly 20 years of reform, China's manufacturing industry has placed most competitive market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 environment. According to market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 economic theory and the theory of reform, competition can promote efficiency improvements, technological progress and the improvement of industrial structure. China's manufacturing industry has shown in some of these trends, increasing the level of efficiency, product and technology to quickly upgrade production to focus on a few dominant companies, international competitiveness will increase markedly, such as home appliances manufacturing, motorcycle manufacturing, communications equipment manufacturing , the computer manufacturing industry. There have been some domestic industries of empirical research, reveals how the process of structural transformation of competition in the heap and moving industry progress. [2] However, in other manufacturing industries, the role of competition seems to be very different. In these industries, the production of dispersion, duplication, decreased efficiency, large-scale loss of business or industry-wide losses and so long, but have yet to see a clear trend towards an improvement. In these industries, the cotton textile industry is a typical and challenging cases. China's textile manufacturing industry appears to be the first state to enter the competition, the most intense level of competition one of the industries, the theory reasoning, it should be the most significant efficiency improvements, the most reasonable industrial structure one of the industries. However, this is China's manufacturing industry has the longest continuous losses, the worst efficiency, improve the industrial structure of the industry's most obvious one. Why compete in different industries will lead to such different results? This is the economic researchers have a responsibility to answer questions. Otherwise, there is reason to cast doubt on the role of competition in the market毕业论文翻译成英语文章, and improve the situation of these