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渭南翻译公司关键income and sales growth rate. Overall, the results of two different business, is that both the business model and operation phase difference. Wuliangye strategic management: a multi-brand extension, the occupation of the various segments of the fileSix years ago, only Wuliangye Wuliangye Group, pointed village two brands belong to superior products and Dangjiu, product structure is not reasonable, the face of emerging new brand of liquor, characterized by rapid changes in consumer demand is clearly difficult to deal with the situation . To this end, Wuliangye Group uses "Wuliangye" the brand, continuously developed with different levels of consumers for different price points and new brand of liquor, filled with sharp Wuliangye market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 space between the village and enhance the market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 competitiveness. Wuliangye Group's brand development is sub-levels, the first successful development of the Wu Liang-chun, Wu Liang alcohol, Liang God, lakes and other liquid "five" prefix of the national brand. Wu Liang-chun Wuliangye price lower than, higher than the other mid-range wines, quality Ye Hao, which quickly occupied the target market毕业论文翻译成英语文章. In 2001, Wu Liang-chun's sales exceeded $ 500 million.Meanwhile, Wuliangye Group based around consumer habits, tastes, economic conditions are not the same situation, targeted to develop a series of regional brands. Development of the JLF, Liuyang River, Beijing, Hunan and Beijing for the wine consumer characteristics, tailor-made by the market毕业论文翻译成英语文章. JLF 2001 annual sales reached 40,000 tons, sales income of 700 million yuan. Today, more than 10 brands Wuliangye Group has shown great vitality and a strong market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 prospects in 2001, Wuliangye new brand sales accounted for about 50% of total sales, with sales accounting for about one-third.However, the expansion of the brand Wuliangye Group also face market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 choices. Wuliangye Group's brands are many and complex, as of December 2001, only self-development (excluding acquisitions, mergers) of up to 67. Which account for a large proportion of the base wine blending class outsourcing companies, in this mode of operation, the base wine brands purchased first, followed by packaging, and then enter the distribution system. In this mode, according to the previous tax policy, brands purchased this part of the base wine can be deducted off 25% of consumption tax, which gives brands left a very considerable price is room for maneuver. 2001 introduced a new policy eliminated the tax deduction system, the wine can not be purchased to offset the consumption tax base, leading brand companies lose profits. Wuliangye sub-brand and between the