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宝鸡翻译公司关键字:Initially the purpose was to raise labor productivity of Chinese industrial reform in the past two decades to China's economic development and to bring a remarkable level of people's lives has been greatly improved. From the Western point of view of economic growth theory to evaluate the Chinese government during this period to improve at the macro level (total factor) productivity efforts are quite successful. Many Western scholars of China's reform strategy for the internal logic is also given full recognition. But on the other hand, at the micro level, the West in the literature (including some studies involving the author included) shows that the majority of the technical efficiency of enterprises is still not high enough, some small and medium scale has to be improved. This is what we usually call from extensive growth (increased investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 alone) changes to the efficiency-based growth. I am afraid that many state-owned enterprises and technological progress is largely government action in this regard is the policy achievements, but also reflects the technological progress of independent incentives to be strengthened. In Western economic theory, market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 economics, the premise of the neo-classical model and manufacturer based on private ownership of property rights theory discussed in today's corporate restructuring is the analysis of two very worth learning framework翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威. This is due to structural changes in the industry, while the ownership structure of Chinese industry has also undergone great changes. Private enterprise in 1978 from 0.2% of total industrial output reached 33% in 1999. Another component of state-owned enterprises are also non-state shares of the Company翻译论文公司最专业 and the process of gradually expanding. In a market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 economy environment, the Chinese enterprises and standardization of the Company翻译论文公司最专业 has become a pressing problem. The end result of enterprise restructuring is still to improve labor productivity, which is available from the technical efficiency of Chinese enterprises to understand the generally low. On the other hand, the optimization of enterprise property rights is bound to encourage companies are concerned about productivity, but also more concerned about the costs and profits, so that the elements in the configuration of production efficiency, but also long said that we pass the economic benefits to be larger the increase. Therefore, how to practice in China's reform and further creative use of the manufacturers of these Western economics, the theory of economic behavior, it can be said to some extent put in those concerned about China's enterprise reform economists in front of a very meaningful issue