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银川翻译公司关键字:This year the world's IT industry situation is not very good. Especially Internet companies after the bubble burst, followed by many large international communications Company翻译论文公司最专业 a problem, some failures, some began to decline. Some international forecasting firm predicts that this year the international communications industry profits to zero, that is, the communication situation is not the whole year, even though the overall operation of electronic information industry this year, in good condition, but there are several issues(A) the structural problems constraining the rapid development of industry Mainly based technologies and applications in key technologies behind. Independent enterprises lack long letter unbalanced industry structure, software and information services is low compared with the hardware manufacturing industry. With the prominent contradictions, the whole industry there has been poor economic situation. 1-10 months of basic and industry profits were flat last year, the recent emergence of negative growth, per hundred dollars of sales revenue achieved industrial added value down slightly over last year. These problems appear to benefit from a short-term indicators of effectiveness. (B) increasing international trade disputes After joining the WTO, foreign in China's lectronic information products for preferential treatment, but also began to frequent use of anti-dumping, technical barriers to trade and intellectual property protection and other non-tariff barriers hinder our products into foreign regions. Some multinational companies played a significant role in fueling. The emergence of color TV, DVD and other aspects of the dispute. Because of our lack of core technologies, products in the manufacturing process must rely on other people's core technology. You have the advantage of low labor costs, your costs low, but your product sold abroad, because the price of your time with the other flat, not because of the brand, not sell, then you lower prices, lower prices on other income you royalties, the royalty, the necessary loss. If you have to bite the bullet and sell, they will propose anti-dumping, etc., you block the door. Not your product to their论文摘要翻译英文 country, but they also expand the market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 in China, so it is placed in our entire industry is very serious fact. (C) the impact of the domestic market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 to increase imports