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呼伦贝尔翻译公司关键字:of universities or research institutions gathered in the vicinity of the phenomena, such as Silicon Valley-based aggregation and so on. Physical spillovers, especially in traditional industries there are more common in traditional manufacturing industries. We often see, once in a deserted area after completion of the larger companies, small businesses will be in single file to. This is mainly due to the spillover of large enterprises gathered force's sake. Spillover is more common in cities and towns gathered force during the formation, in the countryside to the town to the urban expansion process, due to population increases, more and more spillover gathered force, the degree of product differentiation is also increasing. Traditional business (commercial shops) in the overflow gathering force are more significant, such as a variety of commercial residential, commercial streets, in essence, is a business focus, can be described as commercial nest groups, spillover nest group gathered force is the formation of the basic driving force. Elysian and Glaser that the spillover of industrial geographical concentration than the other natural advantages in addition to the main driving force. Third, cultural cohesion. Human environment is not only the basis for enterprise survival and development resources, a regional economic development is also an important factor. As we all know, the Chinese diaspora in the world where the Chinese can form a dynamic economic region, the United States, Chinatown is the most typical example. Italy and China's Taiwan Province is dominated economic system small businesses, small businesses together very common, small businesses together different communities is not the same type of industry, this gathering of the basic driving force on the attractiveness of the human environment from the traditional . By blood, kinship, geographical-based aggregation in the southern coastal areas of China such as Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, also very common, in which family groups (blood, kinship) developed on the basis of the dominant group nest. This nest is the group generated by human power relations, the basic operating system on which factors are trust and commitment, the most basic way of modern trading contract transactions do not replace the system of trust and commitment as members of the transactions, transaction costs are quite low credit is trust and commitment among the members of the most important factor. As the source of the origins of traditional Chinese culture long, colorful, different communities of their论文摘要翻译英文 cultural environment very different, the order of the division of labor and trade is difficult to extend to a different cultural environment of the communities. Therefore, the nest is often limited by the range of groups of human community within the boundaries. Porter also pointed out that unusual, complex or