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辽阳翻译公司关键字:economic activities can foster innovation, generate technology spillovers, thus contributing to changes in demand and the market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 impact of rapid response, reduce transaction costs. In contrast, Krugman (1991,1995) is not a new industrial area dating back to the initial impetus for the production of pre-existing crisis. In his view, focus on local history may be caused by the "accident" was launched, it is important following the cumulative causation. This interpretation process is the key catalytic factor in the size of incremental gains - especially different forms of the Marshall-style external economy, as the concentration of skilled labor, professional services, input supply and the development and knowledge spillover effects. This revenue is a function of market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 size, their论文摘要翻译英文 implementation depends on inter-regional trade. Promote choice through the use of sector development and export of strategic trade policy, government, especially local authorities to improve the competitiveness of local companies (Eng, 1999). Taylor and Le Heron (1977) to promote the gathering of five different force: the creative production - opportunities for exposure; entrepreneurship generation - the employer's imitation; easy to identify consumers - local ideas; easy to identify providers - agent application; grow to a larger potential. They believe that "gathering to provide 'training' industry, entrepreneurship and a favorable business environment, ... gathering to provide accommodation, equipment and supplies (companies) and to absorb their论文摘要翻译英文 products" (Taylor, 1980).Palivos and Wang (1996) made a major industry gathering to promote the centripetal force, including: knowledge spillovers; local public goods supply; internal economies of scale; external economies of scale; combination of consumption and production externalities; with different agents benefit of trade. Fifth, the spatial concentration of foreign direct investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱Japan as the world's major industrial powers and the major source of capital in foreign countries, especially Europe and America have a lot of investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱. Japanese companies in foreign countries the rapid creation of new industrial complex