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锦州翻译公司关键字:is located closely together to ensure that face to face communication. Although the spatial division of labor hypothesis goal is to explain the production of space fragmentation. However, the spatial division of labor hypothesis critics pointed out that in addition to the re-orientation of production to lower labor costs, companies can apply many strategies. Schoenberger (1989) that the product has been re-designed to replace the product life cycle thinking. Manufacturers and their论文摘要翻译英文 market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 space focused on making the exchange of information more easily than in the edge of the location to obtain labor cost savings. Scott (1998) to geographers concerned about the labor market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 dynamics and technological change combined. When production from the large integrated companies rely on internal economies of scale, to rely on specialized industrial complex produced changes in the external economy flexible production, he noted the change gathering force area. Rapid technological change, increased competition has led to market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 uncertainty and the traditional forms of industrial organization of the collapse. Product and process aspects of the Company翻译论文公司最专业 are becoming increasingly flexible. Those who rely on subcontractors to seek the input and output location makes specialized market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 risk minimization. For localized economy (but the Company翻译论文公司最专业 has an internal resistance of the industry with externalities) favor increased reliance on industry concentration. At the same time this flexibility requires a flexible work翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威force. Fourth, the concentration driving forceIn a recent gathering of the study, highlighting the shift from the macro level of analysis to the meso level and micro level analysis of the process where specific instructions (Malmberg, 1996). This change stems from the formation of a market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 economy in the concentration of the forces of the two area research (Martin and Sunley, 1996). The first direction is in place by the Allen Scott flexible specialization in the study presented, the transaction cost economics and its spatial division of labor together. The second direction is from Paul Krugman in international trade and competition in the research presented, and its wide range of areas has changed the concept of external economy Marshall style.Since the 20th century, since the mid-1980s, regional economic centers in industrialized countries and re-formed in the conversion of new developments, causing considerable interest economists. The center of attention by Allen Scott and Paul Krugman's economic interpretation. According to Scott's point of view (1988, 1992), in the Western economies in the new industrial area (clustering) of the main driving force is to increase market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 uncertainty and technological change in the capitalist mode of production of the Ford system challenges. This leads to the so-called "flexible specialization" of the new division of labor, a large number of local companies in the sectors linked to a cluster, competition and cooperation. This concentration of