葫芦岛翻译公司关键字:Close to perfect competition conditions, the use of Stigler (1951) analysis of the development of the division, Scott on production costs and external economic analysis. Obtained under conditions of perfect competition is the actual external economic part of the external economy. Skitovsy (1954) note that under perfect competition available to external economic scarcity. Under conditions of perfect competition, these external economies are actually Skitovsy called "technical external economies", which reflects an economy in a particular state of technology. Malmgren (1961) that, outside of these technologies is very small, because they are likely to be internalized.Of production costs and external economic analysis ignored the conditions of imperfect competition, and in conditions of imperfect competition, economic or by external and internal process of capital concentration constraints, or because of habitat within the Company翻译论文公司最专业's strategy produced (Harrison, 1989; Leborgne and Liepietz, 1988).Transaction cost economics in explaining the spatial patterns of contact has an important role. Scott stressed that when transaction costs and production (and transport) interaction costs, transaction costs as the basis to understand the theory of industrial agglomeration. Scott and Storper (1987) summarized the transaction costs and the relationship between the concentration of that growth centered on the formation of the force main from the high-tech production in the division of labor, the structure of inter-Company翻译论文公司最专业 transactions and forms from the local development occurs within the habitat different agglomeration economies. Vertical separation of the generation process indicates that industry consortium, the Company翻译论文公司最专业 designed around the plant time to time contact between the trading organization. The structure of the transaction, including face to face contact and detailed strategic information exchange, long-term and short-term contracting and subcontracting, material input - output stream. These transactions are usually linked geographically dependent on the cost structure. The greater the unit cost of trading activities, such as contacts in the manufacturer will be gathered in order to reduce the cost of space the greater the likelihood (Scott, 1981).
(B) the flexible specialization and industrial concentration