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丹东翻译公司关键字: As the mainstream theory of economic growth and trade development, business externalities and agglomeration economies of the research focuses on aspects of spillover effects. In Young (1928) classical analysis based on the incremental income, Romer (1986) the general knowledge of the cumulative (learning) as a produce a form of social externalities. Lucas (1988) that the space between the economic entities in close interaction and mutual learning occurs, new growth model is an important source of spillovers.Mills (1980) showed that the most important aspect of agglomeration economies is essentially statistical, the law of large numbers of applications. As the investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 product sales and purchase in many companies are volatile, with many employers in urban areas than in urban areas with a few employers may provide their论文摘要翻译英文 employees with almost all of the employment.Second, the industry gathering place of growth causedSpace economy, caused by localized industrial cluster growth has attracted wide attention. Companies and industrial activities in space is generally concentrated in certain location, different types of activities tend to cluster together in different areas. As a result, spatial heterogeneity to some extent linked with industry specialization. Spatial concentration and regional specialization in industrial agreement between the phenomenon of urban and regional economic analysis of the size commonly used principle of incremental revenue is necessary (Krugman, 1991). The scale where the presence of incremental revenue for the industry cluster provides a theoretical basis, because the Company翻译论文公司最专业 and labor together to consider increasing the number of elements of remuneration. However, because the transaction costs of overcoming distance and space transportation costs such as exchange of cost constraints, only those elements of remuneration increase in concentration occurred in the limited space location is displayed only in a limited space boundary may produce net benefits. Localization and spatial scale of incremental revenue from the balance between transactions costs, can explain the observed patterns of industrial space grade type of development (Krugman, 1993,1995; Fujita and Krugman, 1995; Fujita and Mori, 1997). Localized in different spatial growth also caused interest in the subject. In neoclassical economics, the issue of geographical interest mainly due to a clear modern trade theory (Helpman and Krugman, 1985) in the space allocated in the application (Krugman, 1991; Venables, 1995), and then replace the traditional inter-regional trade neoclassical models (Borts and Stein, 1964), or to replace the traditional model of inter-regional