朝阳翻译公司关键字: The industry cluster study involved a large number of content, the specific content and also involves a variety of views. According to some authors such as increased efficiency and flexibility of the mechanism of trace concentration patterns resulting force; and other scholars are based on improving dynamic progress, learning and innovation, will focus on the concentration of interest. Some scholars may have simulated the Company翻译论文公司最专业 close to each other money income, and other scholars emphasized the social and cultural structures and institutional structures in the industrial cluster effect. According to some scholars to understand the business strategy of industrial clustering, the cluster as a medium of improved corporate performance; and other scholars to understand the spatial development strategy based on industry cluster, the spatial concentration can be interpreted as a phenomenon. Some scholars believe that the gathering force of space limitations at the local scale; while other scholars believe that the spatial concentration of force in regional and national scale may be. To study the content, and some very clear boundaries of time, but most content is overlap and duplication, and throughout all periods. Therefore, this article on industrial agglomeration theory and empirical research to the main content of comments.First, the definition of industrial agglomeration and influence factorsDespite the early recognition of spatial analysis system for the presence of industrial clustering (Weber, 1909/1929), but the initial cause of this phenomenon is the official classification made by the Marshall, and his analysis of Smith's first direct follow specialization of labor observation (Blaug, 1985). Marshall made in the 1890s that the space outside of the industry cluster concept, the concept continues after 100 years as an urban growth, productivity and investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 in the basic explanation.Marshall (1890/1916) for the industrial spatial concentration of the three well-known reasons. He believes that spatial concentration (that is, his so-called localization): first, to promote the development of specialized inputs and services; second, to provide work翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威ers with specialized skills in a concentrated market毕业论文翻译成英语文章; third, in the Company翻译论文公司最专业 from technology spillovers benefit. Agglomeration economies is rooted in the production process, a geographic area companies, institutions and infrastructure caused by contact between the economies of scale and scope economies: the development of general labor market毕业论文翻译成英语文章, the concentration of specialized skills, local suppliers and consumers to increase the interaction between the role of shared infrastructure and other localized externalities, etc. (Dicken & Lloyd, 1990; Enright, 1994; Hoover, 1948).