鞍山翻译公司关键字:Abstract: industrial clustering in the form of regional industrial organization, industrial concentration became mainstream of economic development. Since Marshall has been the phenomenon of industrial clustering extensive system of research, industry cluster theory of continuous improvement and development. In this paper, theoretical and empirical studies of industrial agglomeration of the main aspects is reviewed in this study based on the description of industrial clustering is important for our country. Keywords: industrial agglomeration and flexible accumulation of flexible specialization rooted in external Since the first time in more than a century ago, Marshall made his famous industry since the spatial concentration of three reasons, economists and economic geographers on industrial clustering theory was unremitting exploration, they are from a different perspective on the theory of industrial clustering has been studied. In the theory of continuous development and improvement of industrial clustering process, there have been three studies of industrial agglomeration climax: the 1930s, Hoover (1937) for the first time the concentration of economic decomposition of internal economies of scale, localization economies and urbanization economies. Study of the phenomenon of industrial agglomeration and further deepening of the formation of industrial agglomeration theory first climax; 1970s and 1980s, applied macroeconomic theory of capitalist development, the spatial organization of the contemporary changes in the production, notably with "Fordism crisis' is linked. Study of the phenomenon of industrial clustering focused on flexible "industrial area" or new "industrial space" (Scott, 1983,1988). This is the theory of industrial agglomeration of the second peak; since the 1990s, the new Schumpeterian point of view of innovation, technological change and economic growth and trade analysis combined gathering of industry innovation system (Lundvall , 1992). Krugman (1991,1995) applied economics of imperfect competition, increasing returns, path dependence and cumulative causation and other industries to explain the spatial concentration. Porter (1990,1994) proposed regional competitiveness of the famous "diamond" model, he emphasized certain areas of industrial concentration international competitiveness of industry's role. This marks the industry cluster theory of the emergence of the third peak.