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延边翻译公司关键字:This is a planned economy under the conditions peculiar to the industry cluster model, the former Soviet Union and the reform and opening up of China's industrial agglomeration models mostly belong to the type. Under public ownership, central planning the socialist countries by the strength of the economy, the rapid transfer and deployment of resources to support key industries, the rapid formation of a unique industrial base. Production of the former Soviet Union region complex, in the 1960s China's three-line construction are the product of this gathering mode, although the emergence of industrial clustering, adapted to the prevailing concentration of human, material and financial resources to do big things in the traditional system, However, the economic effects of concentration - increase revenue, reduce transaction costs and external economies of scale tend to be more significant political purposes to cover up, because the rigidity of the planned economy and the impact of fragmentation, so the gathering of ideas and the reality is that economic development inconsistent, leading to the industrial structure of various conflicts.Two. China's industrial agglomeration mode choice Industry cluster growth from around the world, the evolution of model comparison, the three have their论文摘要翻译英文 pros and cons of different modes of experience (see Table 2), indicating that industrial agglomeration in various countries and regions have a broad selection of model room. However, in both the industrial structure of the coordination and fostering national competitiveness, the government-led industrial clustering model of state intervention in the most representative type of cluster model compared with the plan, the government often based on the identity of economic forces play a role. Of course, the industry cluster growth, the evolution of the strength of state intervention, mainly due to national economic system and the impact of historical and cultural traditions, but also often associated with industrial property and industrial life cycle.Reform and opening up, with the gradual deepening of China's economic reform, private property rights are becoming increasingly clear, the market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 mechanism into play, the traditional plan-based industry cluster model has been government intervention in the type of industrial clustering model replaced by more developed in the private economy the market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 mechanism