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扬州翻译公司关键字:In 2002, China has more than transportation equipment manufacturing industry of electronic information industry has become China's economic growth to support the main driving force. At present, the car is still there spending the middle part of charges of excessive and indiscriminate situation. In order to maintain the national economy and the rapid development of automobile industry, the Government must as soon as possible to encourage automobile consumption policy. Place in the development of the environmental protection policies should take into account the technical condition of China's auto industry, leaving ample room to avoid the demand for cars caused a greater negative impact.2 In support of the Government share of the automotive industry technology projects of major researchAt present manufacturing capacity of China's auto industry ahead of the technology development capabilities. The biggest bottleneck in the development of China's auto industry is not capital and the market毕业论文翻译成英语文章, but technology. China's auto industry if the term is technically dependent on multinational corporations, it is impossible to change the system in the world auto industry in the lower position. The world automobile industry is currently in a technological revolution among the electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, fuel cell cars from a technical point of view, has completed a major breakthrough, the key is commercial, industrial advance. Hybrid drive system technology has matured, Japan's Toyota and Honda have a new hybrid car market毕业论文翻译成英语文章. Fuel cell technology is developing rapidly. In January 2002, the U.S. government-supported "free cooperation automotive research program" (FREEDOMCAR) introduced the program aims to develop commercially promising technologies hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and hydrogen supply infrastructure, in order to greatly improve the environment, the goal is to accelerate achieve automotive fuel cell commercialization. Chinese auto companies should be facing the technological revolution of the auto industry have a full understanding and timely intervention of the study. The Chinese government should be used for major Chinese automotive industry new technology projects, the organization of