无锡翻译公司关键字:(1) calculated according to China's auto import and export trade, China's auto industry competitive index: 2000 -0.7,2001 years -0.85 years -0.77,2002 the Chinese auto industry is still a basically does not have the international competitiveness of industry . Industry size, firm size, technological level, the international competitiveness of view, China's auto industry is a whole does not have the international competitiveness of industry, in quite a long time, China's auto industry is still a domestic market毕业论文翻译成英语文章-oriented industry.(2) At present, China's auto industry in the global division of multinational corporations, from the overall look in the processing and manufacturing sectors, although simple compared to countries engaged in the assembly, at a high level, but still a relatively low level.(3) China's auto industry has a huge, rapidly growing market毕业论文翻译成英语文章, cheap labor, a full, strong manufacturing sector supporting capacity, stronger, more comprehensive system of technology development, China's auto industry in the 21st century can be compared rapid development, scale, technology level, competitive conditions have rapidly improved and possible. At present, China's auto industry has a greater dependence on transnational corporations, but because of China's auto industry has many favorable conditions for the development of China's auto industry may eventually become an independent development capabilities, with a certain international competitiveness of industry.(4) After a high rate of growth, after 2010, China's auto industry is expected to become one of the world's major automobile manufacturing base, then gradually become a major global commercial vehicle production base, as for the developing countries and certain commercial vehicles in developed countries, the main supplier of middle and low cars, some of the world's auto industry auto parts manufacturing center.2 China's auto industry in the world system, the development trend of automobile industry