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常州翻译公司关键字:On the scale of individual enterprises, China's auto industry before the four FAW, Dongfeng, SAIC, Changan Automobile Group, the production capacity of between 300,000 -60 ten thousand, economies of scale are becoming apparent. However, with world-class auto manufacturers compared to China's auto industry is still small-scale enterprises in the world's largest car Company翻译论文公司最专业 in the ranking after South Korea's Hyundai Motor Company翻译论文公司最专业's production capacity of 2.5 million. For Asia, China is also a lack of influential auto companies.For some models, the production capacity of China's auto industry companies is considerable. For example, FAW, Dongfeng Group's medium and heavy trucks, production capacity and scale among the highest in the world. In 2002, FAW Group, sold more than 200,000 heavy trucks in the world No. 1. FAW's development through technological innovation and transformation, the formation of the world truck production base. China's bus, "pickup" truck, mini-car production scale in the world is relatively large.China's largest automobile Company翻译论文公司最专业 with an international specialization is still low compared to the big car companies. China's auto parts manufacturers are still mainly focus on the development of a group, smaller, yet the formation of industry-wide or even international market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 for large auto parts manufacturing group. In 2002 the situation has significantly changed. China's major automobile companies began to organize in accordance with professional model car Company翻译论文公司最专业, for example, China First Automobile Group Corporation subject to the original First Automobile work翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威s formed the basis of the professional factory of FAW Jiefang Automotive Co., Ltd., specializing in medium and heavy load vehicle production, sales, total assets of 19.1 billion yuan. China's largest car companies began to become independent auto parts manufacturer, developed into a business for the whole industry. For example, Dongfeng Motor Corporation Axle plant to separate, set up Dongfeng Axle Co., Ltd., specializing in axle production