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湘潭翻译公司关键字:payment of 10 cents per day until paid off; Hunan Taoyuan's "lonely old money", this monthly, by 1 yuan, 2 yuan received the full moon, two months later still $ 4, and so on; around "Lvda Gun," and also after the expiration of interest into principal, and regeneration benefits, interest on the Gary; Henan Xinzheng to January period, the interest rate 4-5 points, the outstanding expiration, interest rates on a monthly increments; Gansu Gaolan the "roller wear" for a period up to a day, interest will be 20 minutes , expired compound interest; Changshu "let foreign (charge birds)," a period of ten days, but also on Gary Lee. In addition, the usury that is withheld in the month when the borrower interest, or less about more, Hebei Lincheng have "six ten".In addition to pure usury, the usury also combines with the commercial capital, deepening layers of exploitation. Maoming, Guangdong have "sold land" and "sell Young," "put Valley Flower", the first three months pre-harvest sales department Tanaka Valley, Valley price assessed by the landowner, usually combined market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 value of 1 / 3, co-harvest the price of grain, 1 / 2; Shandong Yutai of "livestock credit" generally you can buy with 20 yuan cash cow ass, if you buy on credit will be $ 120.Some of usury directly with land ownership and property mortgage combined to become the landlord of property means plunder the farmers. General interest loan secured with real property, can not be repaid on schedule, then the property to the creditor. Such as Hubei's "top wheat root" is the cultivation of wheat to make their论文摘要翻译英文 mortgage lender for the interest income Tanaka wheat, the principal is also; such as inability to repay, the creditor can be to rent until the redemption of debt to pay off . Jiangsu Province, "with three" Suiyuan "dead stick a single deed," Lin'an "dead deeds live vote", to borrow money except when asked to write by the deed, but also produce live of sale, lease or direct write death must sell under deed, deed and other land must sell, can not repay, all land is owned by creditors. Shanxi Province's borrowing capacity refers to, with the value of 114 yuan of land property Dijie $ 15, 4 percent a month, limit May schedule is not yet, fields and other real estate owned by creditors.