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孝感翻译公司关键字:Before the liberation of China's rural areas in the "man-land relationship," the basic contradictions of high tension under the constraints of land tenure emerged gradually dispersed, and the right to use the relative concentration of the trend. Pressure due to the high rent rates, land use rights is only as strong to the production capacity of farmers (ie, middle and rich peasants) concentration. Thus, early in the liberation of land ownership that is "separation of ownership", which actually makes a reasonable allocation of resources to stabilize agricultural production is relatively important institutional factors. The basic approach is to conduct small-scale farmers as many kinds of land rent to "labor replacement capital" investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 to increase the surplus to stabilize agricultural production; but also will increase along with population, development economics that fall into the "growth trap "[2]. We recognize that the possession of land inequality than rural poverty, small farmers, the main reason for bankruptcy.analysis enables us to recognize: the old Chinese peasant revolution occurred the direct cause of poor farmers and agricultural bankruptcy, but in essence, the main reason is that commercial and industrial capital and financial capital to rural excessive deprivation. Industrialized countries as the target is bound to extract surplus from agriculture, however, under the conditions of small-too small and highly fragmented agricultural surplus, and the conflict with the goals of industrialization. Driven by the industrial and commercial development continue to improve agricultural commodity rate for commercial and financial capital into the rural economy, opening the door. In these two economies combined with the large landowners to extract excess capital under the action of the remaining small farmers, the rural economy is bound to decline. Therefore, the real cause of poor farmers and agricultural bankruptcy of the main factors, in fact, is the commercial capital of the "scissors" and the financial capital of debtors.Substantially in recent years as China's agricultural structure adjustment, increasing the rate of goods, usury often occur, the circulation of agricultural products in international trade and domestic issues has also become increasingly complex, these have had in the beginning of this century leaves replaced senescent. Therefore, the study of China's development