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许昌翻译公司关键字:less and less the cost of U.S. telecommunications and telecom business was significantly expanded. According to statistics, 1980 - 1993, thirteen years, the U.S. state telephone index from 100% to 47.6%, an average annual decrease of 5.6%; interstate telephone index fell to 60.7%, an average annual decrease of 3.8%. The same period, the state calls the business from 1980 to 133 billion minutes in 1993 rose to 400 billion minutes, interstate business calls rose from 140 billion minutes to 323 billion minutes, an average annual growth of 8.8% and 6.6%, faster than the same period U.S. GDP average annual growth rate (2.4%) more than twice. Roughly speaking, the cost per call down 1%, 5.7% increase in business calls. In 1994, the United States and Western Europe, the decline rate of long-distance costs that significantly speed up the technological revolution, for example, Western Europe, North America, in 1997 the average price of international calls fell by 25%, and at the same speed is expected to continue through 2000. U.S. FCC estimates, an average of $ 1 per minute, international calls are expected to be reduced by 80% to 20 cents. Qwest such as audio and video converged network翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威 to provide telecommunications services pioneer Company翻译论文公司最专业, this year has been introduced to the U.S. consumer 7.5 cents per minute long-distance service. The Company翻译论文公司最专业's selling price, just 5 cents per minute. According to Wang Dingding latest report from the United States, VoIP is expected in the near future to reach even 1 cent per minute. This can be understood why the Crandall and Waverman co-presentation of the book North American telecommunications regulatory reform, to be known as "cheap talk" ("Talk Is Cheap"). Assumed to reduce call charges due to the elasticity of demand is unchanged, the average cost of U.S. long-distance reduced to 1 cent from $ 1, her domestic long-distance and international long-distance business from the $ 480 billion in 1997 to increase the number of times?Telecom duplication: the costs and expected benefitsAmerican Telecom "open competition - lower prices - business expansion," the logic, universal. In Canada, the United Kingdom, New Zealand, Japan and Australia, all of which open telecommunications competition in the past 20 years where the U.S. could see a similar effect. Hong Kong's telecommunications industry since 1992, step by step open competition experience,