信阳翻译公司关键distance, equipment manufacturing and Bell Labs. Dominate the U.S. telecommunications industry from a into a "discrete" (balkanized) department."Discrete" system is an important preparation to competition, although it is not in itself equivalent to the open competition system. For example, the U.S. Congress in 1984, "Cable Communications Act" on the one hand reduces the control of the cable communications industry (ie, to allow more "discrete"), on the other, or prohibit local telephone companies to encroach on wired communications. After the mid-1980s, the U.S. telecommunications industry to "break the monopolies, encourage separation" stage of development, forming a long-distance, local telephone, cable television, telecommunications equipment manufacturing and information services to a number of discrete, but each is limited competition between . More precisely, in the "discrete" phase of American telecommunications consumers in different long-distance companies, equipment companies, cable television and information services companies, "flow", choose the object of satisfaction, but the long-distance, local, cable and information services business was controlled by the laws, well water may not invade the river.Surprisingly, when the introduction of limited competition in the telecommunications industry factors, the cause turned out to be a perhaps the greatest since the industrial revolution industrial revolution. From 1984 to 1996, electronic and digital transmission technology revolution sweeping the United States and the world. As a result, on the one hand almost all of the cost of telecommunication services have dropped significantly; the other hand, the various "discrete" complex telecommunications network翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威s, in particular, telephone, cable TV and computer prospect of triple-play technology, it clearly shows . In 1996 the U.S. passed a new telecommunications law, the most important feature is beyond the "discrete" control position, allowing the separation of the various long-distance, local telephone, cable TV and other information services companies to enter each other, cross-business. . This means that the three network翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威s and complex telecommunications technology the United States the opportunity to face the choice of system is fully open telecommunications competition. Since 1996, long-distance Company翻译论文公司最专业 to re-"offensive" local telephone market毕业论文翻译成英语文章, and efforts have been continued without interruption. Mentioned above, AT & T's acquisition of TCI news, but the acquisition of U.S. long-distance giant may not place a small hand-bell, after repeated, to "long-distance and cable alliance" strategy, a new trend only.Along the U.S. telecommunications industry, "an exclusive monopoly control, allowing a number of discrete and fully open competition" system path changes, resulting in a number of observations on the consequences of words, this is becoming