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双鸭山翻译公司关键字:Abstract labor is the transfer of effective labor reallocation economic benefits, are effective reallocation of resources or structural conversion effectiveness. Between different departments of labor in the transfer, based on labor productivity between different departments in different premise, department of labor from low efficiency to high efficiency sector transfer, it is bound to improve the overall yield of labor, so the measurement of marginal productivity in different departments the transfer of labor between the role of growth, we must compare the total growth rate of productivity growth and the weighted average productivity sectors, the gap between the two is the transfer of labor reallocation or labor efficiency.A relatively simple calculation model from the total labor productivity growth in the formula to be. Total output of the total labor productivity and the total amount of labor input L of the product:(1)By (1) obtained a growth rate of total output into growth of the total labor force growth rate of labor productivity and the total sum of:(2)Only if the department is divided into two departments, namely the agricultural sector and non-agricultural sector, then (denoted by i = 1,2), the total labor productivity growth rate can be further broken down as follows:(3)Where the different departments in the total output (GDP) in the proportion of representatives of different departments of labor productivity growth, the employment share of different sectors on behalf of the rate of change. (3) show that total factor productivity growth rate from two components: First, the sectoral growth rates of output per work翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威er weighted average of the different departments that the weighted average of labor productivity, denoted by; two is a different labor productivity of labor mobility between departments. Shows that the second term represents the agricultural sector and non-agricultural sector to total employment change between labor productivity growth, we view them as the transfer of rural surplus labor re-allocation of benefits, denoted by. Therefore, the transfer of surplus agricultural labor productivity growth of total labor contribution and the contribution to total output growth, respectively