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哈尔滨翻译公司关键字:employment of rural population to improve the quantity and quality needs are related. In this case, the overall industrial structure can not be a big adjustment, how high can not be upgraded. This is something we have a full understanding, regardless of the actual situation must not blind to the adjustment of industrial structure as an end, for the transfer structure to adjust the structure of industrial upgrading and upgrading. We must upgrade the industrial structure adjustment with increasing employment, improving most people's consumption level together. We should clearly increase the structural adjustment for employment services, services for the conversion of the principal contradiction in the national economy, for the transformation of small-service, service to narrow the differences between the three basic principles. Therefore, the current task is not striving to become the world's factory and manufacturing center, but first want to be their论文摘要翻译英文 own factories, to be based within a fairly long-term historical task. Most of our manufacturing services mainly for the domestic market毕业论文翻译成英语文章, mainly good use of domestic resources. This is something we want to see and avoid the herd instinct is to engage in high-grade, sharp, try to steal all international resources, international market毕业论文翻译成英语文章. Not to ignore our domestic market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 has been international.Second, our abundant labor resources, low price, is almost unlimited supply, this is our advantage. However, we should see that this advantage has largely been the low quality of our work翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威force, low management level, the high social costs offset by half. Low levels in the vertical division of labor can cope with the level of division of labor to develop the quality of the current work翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威force is not enough. This is our development of modern manufacturing base, one of the world's manufacturing center is the biggest obstacle. To this end we must vigorously develop education. This takes time and money. The spirit of racing against time will take decades to reach the international average.Third, China's economic growth and transformation of the national economy has been the principal contradiction of the very different needs. Lack of endogenous economic power, led to the main contradiction is reversed several structural problems, economic growth by two external forces to pull: a national debt is 150 billion per year, one is at least double-digit growth in foreign trade. Two double-strong force, GDP growth rate close to 8 on a strong and weak on the near 7, may be weak if the dual 7 below. Can be said that China's economy has suffered a more serious debt addiction, export dependency, in a mild but slow economic crisis. The GDP and unemployment, social crime abnormal take off together, the passive situation has been formed. If you do not short change this situation, all of our ambitions is immune to achieve.