邯郸翻译公司关键字:The usual explanation is that the sharp decline in Russian demand for agricultural products led to a decline in the level of agricultural output. Reduced demand for agricultural products, the reason is that Russia lost the original CMEA protected agricultural market毕业论文翻译成英语文章, as domestic demand and national income to reduce the abolition of food subsidies is also greatly reduced, inter-sectoral and inter-State trade conditions change, and so on. But the World Bank's 1996 report on the development of economies in transition, but that the decline of Russian agriculture has on the supply side of the main reasons is the size of the original farm is too large, the average farm of 6,000 hectares, while the United States in 1987, only 3% of farms over 840 hectares. These ultra-large-scale farms can not be effectively managed to survive the last reason is because they can easily get loans from state banks and a large number of subsidies granted by the State (including consumer subsidies). Large joint-stock farm is not appropriate, because the secondary market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 for farm business stock unheard of even in the United States, its evolution and restructuring of the mechanism is not ready to follow. In short, "the state and collective farms, farm Company翻译论文公司最专业 formed after the farm structure, found in a market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 economy counterparts." World Bank report advocates the implementation of agriculture "more personal land rights policy", for example, China's agricultural land, explicit or implicit long-term lease of the family.However, Russia does not exactly household in the implementation of agricultural land rental system not expected to respond only after the joint-stock reform farm policy shift it? The Russian joint-stock land ownership arrangements is to quantify the individual, if in its real environment, "more personal" business model does work翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威, farm work翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威ers - shareholders - why not to implement small-scale agriculture, and have to keep large farm size and farm managers to manage entrusted to it? Therefore, the real question should be: Why China's agricultural reform in a more personal family contracting business strategy, as in Russia is difficult to see results?Have the opportunity to field trips in the former Soviet Union-style farms and agricultural reform and research scholars of Soviet Union and Eastern exchange of views, I think a key factor is that economies of scale between China and Russia, in particular, market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 size and structure of the existence of important differences. Not only is Russia the average farm size large, and because of sparsely populated, the distance between the farm and farm far, no dense settlements in rural areas, towns and cities, so the Russian high degree of mechanization of agricultural production, can not rely on "a put on the live "small rural market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 as its input and output services" support system (suporting system) ", but must rely on" a large number of distribution (mass distribution) ". That is, a small exchange ineffective, generally large exchange to solve the problem. Russian agricultural input and output services system, in the