沧州翻译公司关键字:Effective land ownership change on farmers' production conduct a comprehensive, sustained motivation, without a need for business revolution. This is because, left the market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 transactions, defining property itself does not have independent economic significance. Defining property rights to market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 transactions, but only in market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 transactions, the property can really be clear and clearly defined. Bundle of property rights the right to use its economic significance is the use of resources can be output. If the user does not trade their论文摘要翻译英文 products right to decide the right to use his sense of how many? In this case, the agrarian reform, land use rights of farmers say in the end product is inseparable from the full trading rights. Leave the product on the trading rights of land use rights only in the context of self-sufficiency makes sense. Such as reform of the early, rapid growth of China's agricultural base is only peasant families (while paid) in order to meet their论文摘要翻译英文 own needs. Exceeded the limit, farmers' land use rights to rely on products to protect the right to market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 transactions. However, in the small rural market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 development to the history of this transaction in the form of the vertex, the variety of transactions and trading of agricultural products in the form of further opening becomes necessary. Happens in the joint point, China's agricultural reform since the mid-1980s has been no real breakthrough. Although the popularity of household responsibility system, but the land ownership of the "incomplete" is still not a fundamental solution. Imagine accounted for most of the sown area of ??cotton and other staple food agricultural products, the market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 has not let go, the right to trade is also controlled by the executive power, emphasizing the long-term land use rights of farmers to change, in the end there is much significance? Meaning is there, but limited to the household subsistence production and fair trade freely adjustable by the narrow range. Beyond this range, the farmers land use rights or a "part of the incomplete" Although it has been very different with the former. Agricultural production since the mid-1980s and early 1990s, the slow growth of farmers' income stagnation, some lag in the market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 reforms, especially large slow progress in market毕业论文翻译成英语文章-oriented agricultural products be explained. Slow market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 reforms crucial question is, "profit bureaucracy" in the gradual, long-term coexistence of two rail reform the way the "hardening" as I called the "anti-market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 of vested interests." On the other hand, society can no longer find a market毕业论文翻译成英语文章, without prejudice to the vested interests against the development of a market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 economy under the conditions of a smooth road. Seems to give birth to a gradually progressive course into practical effect without