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海口翻译公司关键字:From a centrally planned economy to a market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 economy in China than Russia achieved greater success. The basic fact is that China's institutional transformation to become one of the world's fastest growing economies, and Russia's economy is caught in a severe recession. The fact that the lives of the two peoples and two countries, the relative position of strength, has a major impact. But the problem is a period of ten years between China and Russia's GNP growth performance comparison, really had to compare the two countries and different long-term economic impact of the reform model provides a reliable criterion for it? Specifically asked that China's rapid growth year after year while Russia's economic crisis really means to be called China's gradualist reform strategy must be better than the privatization of Russia's radical reforms do better? Alternatively, this means that China's reform and reform in Russia has been resolved, but not want to solve the problem? Further, whether China can maintain her gradualism reform strategy to new success? Finally, Russia is necessary to change the course of its radical turn to follow China's gradualism?There is no doubt that the transformation of socialist reform and scholars on these issues with their论文摘要翻译英文 different views. This paper selected the case of Russian agricultural reform for some detectors. The reason for this is, first, the reform of agriculture in China and Russia, respectively, lasted for a long time, which can already see a reform of long-term results; Second, China's agricultural reform has been recognized as the most successful, and Agricultural Reform in Russia is almost the worst, so if the issue of agricultural reform in China has also shown is far from settled agricultural transformation in some of the key issues, then it is no reason to just talk about the success of China's reform miracle turning a blind eye to its shortcomings. The central argument of this paper is that while gradualism reform can bring a period of rapid growth, but its shortcomings have been and will further erode the long-term economic development. Promoting economic growth through the transition game, "advanced" there is no reason the Chinese not only arrogant, but it seems necessary to the "backward" Russia's experience of school