珠海翻译公司关键字:overall quality of China's poor human resources. China's new industrialization must be changed by the human resources in the country of human capital power, load into the population dynamics, to accomplish this task is the most important means of education, in recent years, China's investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 in education increased rapidly, but the total is still insufficient, structure to be adjusted, the United States since 1975, investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 in education in the basic proportion of GDP more than 7% over the past 20 years, the percentage of Japan's more than 6%, South Korea is also about 7%. In China, in 2001 expenditure on education to GDP ratio of only 4.83%, [⑥] 2002 years by the Ministry of Education statistics, the total education expenditure to GDP ratio of 5.35%. [⑦] go new road to industrialization, the implementation of technology and education, By 2020, China's spending on education / GDP should strive to achieve a higher level, more than 7%.
(G) average years of schooling, this indicator reflects a country better overall quality of human resources, China's per capita years of education is still relatively short. According to OECD data, 1999 China's per capita labor force aged 25-64 years to 7.97 years of education [⑧] (see table below 2-1); UNDP studies suggest that in 2000 China's population aged 15 and average years of schooling was 6.4 years, high-income countries the world for 10 years, the United States was 12.1 years [⑨]; 2000 census of China, China's population over the age of six years of schooling on average 7.62 years. From these studies, the time China's per capita education needs to be improved. The end of 2003 the State Council made a "Circular on Further Strengthening Rural Education decision," a series of measures, and strive to achieve a comprehensive in the country in 2010, nine years of compulsory education to improve the quality and overall goals. In early 2004 they published the "2003-2007 Action Plan for Invigorating Education", can be expected on the road of new industrialization of China will pay more attention to education, invest more, the full realization of the goal of nine years of compulsory education is expected to achieve, some of the more developed areas may achieve higher levels of compulsory education, while other forms of education will also be developed rapidly in 2020, our average population over the age of 6 years of education should be more than 10 years.