湛江翻译公司关键字:per capita level of real exchange rate in dollars is roughly the level of 1.5 times per capita more than, say, China's per capita GDP800 U.S. dollars in 2000, real per capita levels should be more than $ 1,200. Thus, the starting point of quadrupling the value would be increased, taking into account inflation and the U.S. Dollar exchange rate changes and other factors [①], 2020, the per capita GDP should be in 4000--5000 dollars.(B) the proportion of three industries. The development of three industries is reflected in a country or region an important indicator of the development of the industrial structure. With economic development, industrial structure will be three "pyramid" type to "inverted pyramid" type. From the industrial level, in 2003 the proportion of primary industry was 14.8% in 2003, the proportion of secondary industry 52.9%, of which industry accounted for 45.9% of GDP, the proportion of tertiary industry 32.3 percent, according to the three industries 1985-2003 development, primary industry 18 years from 28.4 down to 14.8%, average annual rate of 0.76%, secondary industry average annual rise of 0.54%, the tertiary industry increased by an annual average of 0.21% of the tertiary industry growth rate is low, resulting in China lags behind the development of tertiary industry, which will be in a chapter specifically addressing human resources. Policy orientation, the second of China's industrial structure to upgrade and improve the quality, vigorously develop the tertiary industry to solve the employment problems and improve the quality of growth. The next 10 years, the proportion of primary industry will decrease, the proportion of secondary industry declined largely, remained around 45% -50%, the proportion of tertiary industry will accelerate the rise. "Based on" World Development Report 2000/2001, "Statistics of 1999 more than 50 million people in 23 major countries of the analysis of three industries" [②], combined with our historical trends and the actual situation in 2020, the proportion of indicators of China's three industries 10: (45-50): (45-40).