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深圳翻译公司关键字:[Abstract] China in the 21st century must take a new road to industrialization, to get rid of the extensive mode of growth, sustainable and harmonious development. New-type industrialization industrialization is very different from traditional, to accurately determine the degree of realization of China's new industrialization, the development of relevant policies, evaluate the effects of policies, the establishment of a scientific and rational system of measurement of indicators is required.On the indictor system of the New Road of IndustrializationKey words: Industrialization, the New Road of IndustrializationIn order to change the growth way and achieve sustainable and harmonious development, China needs to take the New Road of Industrialization (NRI) in the 21th centaury.NRI is different from the traditional industrialization one.It 's necessary toestablish a scientific and rational indictor system to correctly judge the fulfillmentof NRI, to make pertinent policies and to value the policies.China has in the mid-industrialization, from the international experience, in the coming period in China's economic structure, social structure will undergo drastic changes, this is our opportunity to accelerate development, will be the various contradictions, questions focused on highlights of the stage. Local overheating of the economy in 2004 and the macro-control fully reflect this.China's external environment and conditions have China's industrialization must take a new path, to get rid of long-standing extensive growth path dependence, for which the CPC National Congress proposed to "take a new road to industrialization," which is the ruling party to establish the next two decades China's economic construction and the basic strategy of economic reform, is to sum up the experience of industrialization at home and abroad, for domestic and international situation and China's national conditions and make changes in the fundamental strategic adjustments. "Taking a new road to industrialization" is a major theoretical innovation is a major