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天水翻译公司关键字:As the "generated within the system," the trade association bear the communication bridge between government and business roles for government and provide a "two-way service", so the degree of development of trade associations is directly dependent on its relationship with the Government. We trade associations nature of office space, as shown in Figure 4, co-located with the party and government organs are quite rare, which means that industry associations have been in the system independently, but most industry associations from the business office room authorities to borrow a very high percentage, which reflects the survival and development of industry associations with limited independence, which means there is no powerful functions, from the members of which more than enough to absorb the fees.From the structural point of view the members of industry associations, has the following characteristics: (1) Industry Association President and Secretary-General for more than 60% of all serving officers, retired officers of the Secretary-General, but the important higher than the President; (2) among the title of senior chairman of more than important than the number of Secretary-General, as shown in Figure 5, Figure 6, but the chairman of the important part-time staff significantly higher than the Secretary-General; (3) candidates for president from the comparison of business more, as shown in Figure 9, Figure 10. This means that the social status of the industry association has been respected and recognized companies higher, but the specific operation of trade associations and management is relatively weak, it can be said, industry associations the main bearer of the work翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威 - the social status of the Secretary-General has yet to be to improve.