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酒泉翻译公司关键字:Management system from the process point of view of industry, trade associations, reform and development has gone through four waves. The first wave of the rise in the early 1980s, the State Council, "according to industry organizations, according to the industry, according to industry planning" principle, have set up the China Packaging Technology Association (1980), China Food Industry Association (1981), China feed Industry Association (1985), China's auto industry federation (1987), etc., while the Government has also formulated a "national industry classification and code" for the industry association specifications laid a foundation.Thus the rise of second wave of the late eighties, further reform of government institutions, administrative revocation of a Company翻译论文公司最专业, including two administrative provinces Company翻译论文公司最专业, has set up a large number of industry associations, which is typical of China Association of Automobile Manufacturers (In 1990, the China Automotive Industry Association changed its name from) [14]. The third wave began in 1993, the central government will reform the professional sector of the economy is divided into two categories by industry management functions of the body, one is to state-owned asset management entity, the administrative holding Company翻译论文公司最专业 (or enterprise group), such as revocation of aviation aerospace industry, set up the China Aviation industry Corporation and China Aerospace industry Corporation; one is to trade associations, as the institution directly under the State Council, took the government's trade management functions, for revocation of the ministry of textile industry and light industry Department, were set up the China textile Association and the China Light Industry Association.