嘉峪关翻译公司关键字:This arrangement reinforces the industry holding companies (enterprise groups, industry associations) the right to manage state-owned assets, the objective to strengthen its holding of the industry's management of state-owned enterprises, but only in the management of this industry in their论文摘要翻译英文 state-owned enterprises industry occupies an absolute advantage or limit access to non-state enterprises under the conditions of efficiency only. This means that the industry holding companies and other organizations to implement the industrial management of the industry does not actually get rid of government control and intervention development. The actual situation, too, the industry holding Company翻译论文公司最专业 has been necessary for the development of the industry most of the resources (particularly financial resources, natural resources, etc.) exclusive rights, even non-state enterprises have access to the technical conditions of the industry will experience a high resource barriers, the industry is not conducive to promoting competition and efficiency of resource allocation (Yun-Xia Wang, Zhang, 1996), the purpose of development of the industry will not be realized. From another perspective, even if the industry there are a lot of non-state enterprises to invest in business, and industry-based holding Company翻译论文公司最专业 through the restructuring of property rights approach to the implementation of industrial policy, but an industry holding Company翻译论文公司最专业 owned enterprises that are state-owned enterprises , by virtue of its inherent operational mechanism, it is difficult for a large number of non-state-owned enterprises mergers and acquisitions. The reality is precisely the idea of ??non-state-owned enterprises to grow up, the state-owned enterprises through mergers and acquisitions, to expand its position in the industry.