三明翻译公司关键字:The system according to schedule, its purpose is not to reduce the transaction costs, which are usually based on industry trade association of non-trading relationship - the relationship between the horizontal peer companies unilateral governance structure, rather than a bilateral transaction-based governance structure. [⑦] How the organization of trade associations, 曼库奥尔森 (1980) demonstrated that as a formation of interest groups, industry associations obstacles and conditions: "Unless the group members to share the cost to achieve our target to give them the case Unlike the common interests of the individual or group incentives, or unless forced to do so, otherwise, if a large group of members seek to rationally maximize their论文摘要翻译英文 self-interest, they will not act to enhance their论文摘要翻译英文 common target or target group ", only" each member, or at least one of the members will find that he obtained from the collective goods provided personal income exceeds a certain amount of the total cost of collective goods; some members even have to bear all the costs of providing collective goods they also get the benefits of providing collective goods than when not to much, in this case, we can assume that will provide collective goods. "Therefore, the generation and effective operation of trade associations is the key to whether certain incentives to the members (ie, selective incentives), to form a higher expected net income.Doner and Schneidery (2000a, b) further pointed out that the effective operation of trade associations have the system depends on its ability to induce members that provide resources to achieve compliance with the collective goal of the association rules and decision-making. Factors that affect the institutional capacity, which in addition to valuable Olsen said selective incentives, there are members of the role of intensive and effective coordination of internal procedures and Member Association staff, work翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威ing conditions. The first three factors, any one in any industry associations have a strong advantage, its operation will be more effective.