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铜陵翻译公司关键字:2.2 Contract of implementation: Contract orderOrder for the contract, the order depends on the parties to the transaction of property rights defined and protected, that the implementation of the contract. Because the contract is usually applied to implement the following four categories: (1) the implementation by the spontaneous formation of private parties to the transaction order, (2) the court as a third party, (3) as the third-party government regulatory agencies, and (4) State the relevant transaction All nationalized. The implementation of the method in practice is in fact the use of private and public order, the balance between order and, according to the social loss resulting from infringement of private (ie, disorder) and by the social losses due to government infringement (ie, authoritarian) between the weighed to determine.This framework翻译毕业论文公司哪里有最权威 is in fact private dichotomy between order and public order as defined in the contract implementation. If we consider the occupation of the transaction by the other party or both parties to the transaction can be organized into a trade association, to provide the information needed to perform the contract and punitive measures, or take into account the courts and government regulatory agencies in the implementation of inadequate contract, the Government authorized or recognized one or both parties to the transaction form trade associations to strengthen the implementation of contract intensity, then the contract in Figure 1 will improve the efficiency of the implementation system, the possibility that implementation of the contract to the original point of the boundary movement, as shown in Figure 2, as an industry association enhance the party in protecting the interests of parties to the transaction of property rights, reducing the private social losses resulting from infringement, on the other hand, as an interest group, representing the collective interests of one trader, not the prerogative of the government and its agents and private benefits requirements, even as the bargaining power to resist government encroachment, reduce the government's authoritarian social losses caused. 2.3 Non-contractual implementation: development of the industry order