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滁州翻译公司关键字:Seems more painful "irrational" event, but even so people go back to re-side, it must be a better choice? Historically, industrial development and environmental quality for trade-offs must be idealism and realism combined: With good heart, foot on the ground, is the reality of rational choice. The most fundamental question is: industrialization is an efficient process of the supremacy of market毕业论文翻译成英语文章 competition, but also international, global competition. Ultimately, the competitiveness determines the survival, development and environmental quality standards possible.Fourth, resources and environmental constraints of industrial competitiveness1 from a resource-intensive industrial development, technical changes to the resource conservation technologiesAlmost any industrialized country has experienced extensive growth phase. This is because, in certain economic and technological conditions, extensive growth has its historical reasons:(1) extensive growth of low-cost resources can be used to obtain the product cost price advantage. As mentioned above, all subsequent events, "the shortage of machine crisis" of the industrial resources are abundant on Earth, but relatively easy to take and use of the material. Resources, adequate supply of low price and its related. Therefore, the use of low-cost resources for users to enhance their论文摘要翻译英文 competitiveness, and for resource providers is a source of demand. If the small consumption of resources products, suppliers of resources negatively, the development of resource-based industries are also unfavorable. For example, if you are not a lot of use of coal, oil, electricity, the world's coal, oil and power industry would not be so well-developed and technologically advanced.(2) by a certain period determined by technical conditions, when resources are very low opportunity cost of material, extensive use of resources, with a short-term economic rationality. Because, at this stage there is no better for other purposes anyway, even without the material being used is not really a "resource." Low opportunity cost of resources used to improve industrial productivity, not the non-rational behavior. Moreover, the value of material resources, industrial development, with the increase, there is no industrial development, any of the substances on the planet is not high-value resources. It's like: If not for the city was built "concrete jungle", green, water, courtyard does not become worth a hundred times. From this sense, the resource value of the product is the result of industrial development, industrial development so that it becomes a valuable resource, rather than the resource material is inherently noble worth.