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池州翻译公司关键字:3 environmental protection and industrial development of the dynamic balanceA particular research question is: in a certain reality conditions, environmental protection and industrial development do exist between the degree of substitution of (Trade-off) relationship: to develop the industry would have to a certain extent, environmental costs . Moreover, if the investment英文论文翻译费用多少钱 in environmental protection of environmental quality is also formed as a "product", then the environmental quality of industrial products and between products also have some degree of substitutes. Especially for developing countries, high environmental quality standards will exceed its technical and economic capacity, hinder industrial development. Therefore, the social economic agents tend to tolerate low-cost or even free use of environmental resources. Of course, if we ignore the value of environmental quality, pure pursuit of industrial production, sustainable development is not only difficult, but also to develop their论文摘要翻译英文 own have lost the true value.Essence of the problem lies, environmental protection and industrial development is a dynamic balance between nature, the criterion is changing. With the increased level of economic development and technological advances, environmental quality standards will be gradually increased. Therefore, the environment and industrial development of the trade-off is due to land and there is a difference. Can be expected with the economic and social development, improve the quality of life, the importance of environmental assessment will become increasingly high. Conversely, the more industrial development, compared with the importance of environmental quality but will decline. Industrial development of this "diminishing value" or "self-devaluation tendencies" in nature, making the industrial development and environmental quality trade-off is always "regret" choice: "sorry" when coal stove heating, "regret" coal-fired power generation, "regret "producing a large number of car exhaust emission pollution of the environment," regret "mountain felling underground coal mining," regret "coking steel," regret "to the forest into arable land into the city again," regret "for the city into" concrete jungle "....