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梅州翻译公司关键字:management, management and operator between top-down and bottom-up integration; the integration of business processes, from feasibility studies, bidding to the design, construction and other project implementation process integration.2 Distribution:Flow of information throughout the project life-cycle stages, departments, among the various units, reflected in all aspects of project management. Therefore, time distribution and geographical distribution of the network project management information system are an important feature.3 systemic:Constitute the information system's goal is to connect "islands of information." To achieve the organic integration of the various management processes, information systems management needs of system planning, system design, including system development and operation of unit needs to be prepared in a system or platform on; ensure that all units in the system consistent standards for the interface between the premise, to retain the independence of each unit system, leaving room for the development of cell system upgrade; each unit system should maximize the use of advanced and sophisticated computer technology to reduce data acquisition and operational links, to ensure data accuracy and consistency, and to improve the system's utility; each unit should have a strong system of security and confidentiality.Third, network project management information system implementation requirements1 electronic:Computer as a tool first requires people to work electronically, the data to be stored in the corresponding database, documents written using Office suite of software, drawings, pictures and other data in electronic form, only to electronic data management information for the network project system provides the premise.2 Network:In a networked environment, the computer can play endless charm, in the network users can easily communicate with a shared database and documentation, such as Weh system, E-Mail system, file transfer system, the various systems together into a large system, the users reduce the time and geographical constraints.